Why do we need a public version?
The research featured in Moving Forward clearly showed that early access to physiotherapy services, exercise, activity and self-management advice can improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs and reduce the need for further investigations and treatments. The review is full of information which patient and public members of the Community of Practice told us they would find useful in understanding their care.
However, the full version is complex, it’s 64 pages long and includes over 50 studies and our patient and public group told us it was not understandable or engaging for them. So, as part of the wider Moving Forward project, they have worked with IAU Knowledge Broker Laura Campbell and Research into Practice Officer for the Chartered Society for Physiotherapy Fran Hallam and the NIHR Dissemination centre to create a public version of the Moving Forward Review.
The public version aims to empower physiotherapists and patients to work together to improve their quality of life and manage their MSK conditions using best evidence.
Why is the public version different?
This easy to read, accessible and engaging document aims to answer patient questions like:
Why am I receiving this treatment and how will it help me?
What does research mean for me and my care?
Where can I access physiotherapy?
How can I find out more about research and get involved?
The public version contains studies prioritised by patients as important and useful for the wider community and aims to equip members of the public with key information from the most up to date physiotherapy research.
It is a shorter guide which gives patients and the public the key findings from the research, supporting them to use this information to look after themselves and their conditions.
Where can I find the public version?
You can download a pdf of the public version here:
You can also visit the NIHR website, where it is published alongside all NIHR Themed Reviews